Developing Single Page Web Apps with Backbone.js

Developing Single Page Web Apps with Backbone.js  by Prateek Dayal top free books

Developing Single Page Web Apps with Backbone.js

by Prateek Dayal

eBook Details:

Publisher: SupportBee 2014

eBook Description:

This book wants to show you how to build real world applications using Backbone.js.

Unlike many books on backbone.js, this one is based on (and talks of) a real world application used by hundreds of companies and thousands of people. An application that is constantly evolving and getting new features etc. The author’s goal is to evolve the book as the application evolves.Contents: The Single Page Mindset; Introduction to Backbone.js; Setting up our new application; Building the Tickets Listing Screen; Building the Ticket View; Posting Data to the Server: The New Reply View; Breaking up the TicketList View into Subviews; Giving Each Screen a Bookmarkable URL; Managing Screen Transitions Better; etc.

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