Tagged: Tomographic Imaging

If you are looking for Books about Tomographic Imaging to advance your Knowledge, here is a list in various formats available for free download or online reading from top universities and publishers for all learners worldwide.
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Medicine eBooks Online : Diagnostic Specialties

Medicine eBooks Online : Diagnostic Specialties

Here is a list of online books  about Medical Diagnostics in various formats available for free: The Alan E. Lindsay ECG Learning Center by Frank G. Yanowitz, 2006, 13MB, ZIP Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy by David...

Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging by Avinash C. Kak, Malcolm Slaney

Principles of Computerized Tomographique Imaging 

Principles of Computerized Tomographique Imaging by Avinash C. Kak, Malcolm Slaney eBook Details: Publisher: IEEE Press 1989 ISBN/ASIN: 0879421983 ISBN-13: 9780879421984 Number of pages: 344 License(s): https://engineering.purdue.edu/~malcolm/pct/pct_index.html eBook Description: Comprehensive, tutorial-style introduction to the algorithms for...