Building Web Apps with Go

Building Web Apps with Go by Jeremy Saenz free book

Building Web Apps with Go

by Jeremy Saenz

eBook Details:

Publisher: GitBook 2015
Number of pages: 24

License(s):CC BY-SA 3.0

eBook Description:
Go programmers pull in the bare necessities to get the job done. Go makes things simple, it’s as easy as that. If we train ourselves to align with the ‘Go way’ of programming for the web, we will end up with more simple, flexible, and maintainable web applications.

Chapters include:

  • Go Makes Things Simple
  • The net/http package – starts with a brief overview of HTTP before moving on to explore an important package, net/http
  • Creating a Basic Web App – in Go
  • Deployment – deploy a web application to Heroku
  • URL Routing – creates some routing for a RESTful resource called “posts”
  • Middleware – shows how to use a Negroni stack with the built in middleware and how to create your own custom middleware
  • Rendering – learn how render HTML and JSON using the methods offered in Go’s standard library
  • Testing – covers the unit-test style approach and an end-to-end approach
  • Controllers – illustrates the benefits in using a controller model
  • Databases – connect to a SQLite database
  • Tips and Trick

This book is licensed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 License, the code is licensed under a BSD

Download or read it online for free here:  Building Web Apps with Go

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