Free Physics eBooks Online : Mechanics

Free Physics eBooks Online : Mechanics

Here is a list of online books about  Mechanics  in various formats available for free:

Advanced Mechanics
by Eric Poisson, 2008, 164 pages, 1.5MB, PDF

Analytical Mechanics for Engineers
by Fred B. Seely, 1921

Applied Gyrodynamics
by Ervin S. Ferry, 1933

Applied Mechanics
by Gaetano Lanza, 1905

Applied Mechanics and Strength of Materials
by A.B. Clemens, 1906

Applied Mechanics Dynamics
by George W. Housner, Donald E. Hudson, 1980, 399 pages, 26MB, PDF

Applied Mechanics for Beginners
by John Duncan, 1902

Applied Mechanics for Engineers
by John Duncan, 1913

Classical Dynamics
by David Tong, 2005, 137 pp, 980KB, PDF

Classical Mechanics
by J. B. Tatum, 2013, multiple PDF files

Classical Mechanics
Wikibooks, 2012

Dynamics and Relativity
by David Tong, 2012, 154 pp, 1.1MB, PDF

Introductory Mechanics
by A. Barrantes, A. Pawl, D. Pritchard, S.Wilk, 2011

Newtonian Dynamics
by Richard Fitzpatrick, 2007, 310 pages, 3.1MB, PDF

Celestial Mechanics: Notes and Work
by J.D. Mireles James, 2007, PDF

Classical Mechanics
by Joel A. Shapiro, 2009, 270 pages, 2.9MB, PDF

Classical Mechanics: An introductory course
by Richard Fitzpatrick, 2007, 297 pages, 1.6MB, PDF

Continuum Mechanics: Progress in Fundamentals and Engineering Applications
edited by Yong X. Gan, 2012, 158 pp, 4.7MB, PDF

Deformation Theory of Plasticity
by Robert Millard Jones, 2008

Dynamical Systems
by Shlomo Sternberg, 2000, 151 pages, 1MB, PDF

Dynamical Systems and Chaos
by Evans M. Harrell II, 2000, RTF

Dynamics for Beginners
by John Bascombe Lock, 1890

Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems
by Alexandre Megretski, 2003, PDF

Elementary Applied Mechanics
by A. W. Thomson, T. Alexander, 1916

Elementary Dynamics: a textbook for engineers
by Joseph Whittington Landon, 1920

The Elements of Mechanics
by Giovanni Gallavotti, 2008, 585 pages, PDF/DJVU

Experimental Elasticity: A Manual for the Laboratory
by G.F.C. Searle, 1908, 220 pp, multiple formats

Foundations of Mechanics, Second Edition
by Ralph Abraham, Jerrold E. Marsden, 1987, 826 pages, 86MB, PDF

Funky Mechanics Concepts
by Eric L. Michelsen, 2013, 81 pp, 1.1MB, PDF

General Mechanics
Wikibooks, 2011, 63 pp, 320KB, PDF

Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry
by Jerrold E. Marsden, Tudor S. Ratiu, 1998, 549, 2.9MB, PDF

Introduction to Statics and Dynamics
by Rudra Pratap, Andy Ruina, 2009, 1005 pages, 22MB, PDF

Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Continuum Mechanics
by J. H. Heinbockel, 2001, 432 pages, 4MB, ZIP/PDF

The Key to Newton’s Dynamics: The Kepler Problem and the Principia
by J. Bruce Brackenridge, 1996

Lecture Notes on Classical Mechanics
by Sunil Golwala, 2007, 396 pages, 7.1MB, PDF

Lectures on Classical Dynamics
by David Tong, 2005, 137 pages, 980KB, PDF

Lectures on Classical Mechanics
by John C. Baez, 2005, 76 pages, 500KB, PDF

by William Fogg Osgood, 1937, 494 pages, PDF/TXT/DJVU

Mechanics: A Textbook for Engineers
by James E. Boyd, 1921

Mechanics and Hydrostatics for Beginners
by S. L. Loney, 1922

Mechanics and Special Relativity
by Howard Georgi, 2005, PDF

Mechanics Applied to Engineering
by John Goodman, 1914

Mechanics for Beginners
by Isaac Todhunter, 1887

Mechanics for Engineers
by Arthur Morley, 1905

Mechanics of Materials, Second Edition
by Madhukar Vable, 2009, PDF

Mechanics: Problems for Engineering Students
by Frank Berry Sanborn, 1906

Newton’s Principia : the mathematical principles of natural philosophy
by Isaac Newton, 1846

Newtonian Physics
by Benjamin Crowell, 2007, 291 pages, 17MB, PDF

Nonlinear Dynamics I: Chaos
by Daniel H. Rothman, 2006, 163 pages, 1.7MB, PDF

Perturbation theory of dynamical systems
by Nils Berglund, 2001, 111 pages, 4.8MB, PDF

A Short Course in Elementary Mechanics for Engineers
by Clifford Newton Mills, 1916

Solid Mechanics
by James R. Rice, 2000, 84 pages, 450KB, PDF

Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics
by Gerald Jay Sussman, Jack Wisdom, 2001, 526 pages

Test problems in mechanics and special relativity
by Z. K. Silagadze, 2006, PS/PDF

Theoretical Kinematics
by Oene Bottema, Bernard Roth, 1990

Theoretical Mechanics
by P.F. Smith, W.R. Longley, 1910, 316 pp, multiple formats

Theoretical Mechanics
by Paul Lammert, 2009, 178 pages, PDF/PS

A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
by E. T. Whittaker, 1917, 460 pages, 45MB, PDF

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