Bodhi Linux 3 for Beginners

Bodhi Linux 3 for Beginners

Bodhi Linux 3 for Beginners

by Roger Carter

eBook Details :

Publisher: Smashwords 2015
ISBN-13: 9781311920027
Number of pages: 94

eBook Description:

Based on the popular Ubuntu operating system, Bodhi Linux 3 incorporates the latest version of the elegant Enlightenment desktop manager. This guide explains in easy steps how to install Bodhi Linux on your computer, how to customize and use it, and how to install a range of recommended applications. Bodhi Linux can transform your computing experience, and this book will show you how.

It describes in easy steps how to install the Bodhi Linux operating system on your computer,
how to customize it, and how to install the applications you will want to use (web browser,
email client, office applications, photo software, media players, and so on).
As its title implies, this book is aimed at those who are coming to Bodhi Linux for the first
time, including people migrating to Linux from Windows. It does not assume any knowledge
of Linux, though it does assume you are reasonably computer-literate. (If you struggle with
computers, steer clear of Linux!)
The Enlightenment desktop used by Bodhi Linux is a tinkerer’s paradise – it is highly
customizable and can be tweaked endlessly – and no two users will end up with the same
desktop profile. However, a step-by-step guide such as this is necessarily prescriptive, so that
by following it you end up with a very specific profile. Don’t worry about that. The point is
that having learnt how to create and save that profile, you are then in a position to set up your
own profile with your own customizations and preferences, and you can do so either by
playing around with what you’ve already produced or by starting afresh. Moreover, if you
mess things up, you can easily restore your saved profile. And as for the various applications
that you will be installing as you work through this guide, they can be easily removed and
replaced with alternatives.


Download or read it online here: Bodhi Linux 3 for Beginners

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