Geographic Information System Basics

 Geographic Information System Basics 2012 Esri Partner Conference Palm Springs ( by Kris Krug ( used under a CC-BY-NC-SA license (

Geographic Information System Basics

by Jonathan Campbell, Michael Shin

eBook Details:

ISBN-13: 978-1453321973
Number of pages: 259
License(s): Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License,

eBook description:

Essentials of Geographic Information Systems integrates key concepts behind the technology with practical concerns and real-world applications. Recognizing that many potential GIS users are nonspecialists or may only need a few maps, this book is designed to be accessible, pragmatic, and concise. Essentials of Geographic Information Systems also illustrates how GIS is used to ask questions, inform choices, and guide policy. From the melting of the polar ice caps to privacy issues associated with mapping, this book provides a gentle, yet substantive, introduction to the use and application of digital maps, mapping, and GIS.

From the melting of the polar ice caps to privacy issues associated with mapping, this book provides a gentle, yet substantive, introduction to the use and application of digital maps, mapping, and GIS.

About the Authors

  • Recently an adjunct professor of GIS and physical geography courses at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Santa Monica College, Dr. Jonathan E. Campbell is a GIS analyst and biologist based in the Los Angeles office of ENVIRON.
  • Michael Shin is an associate professor of geography at UCLA. He is also the director of UCLA’s professional certificate program in Geospatial Information Systems and Technology (GIST) and cochair of the Spatial Demography Group at the California Center for Population Research (CCPR).

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